The Grief Recovery Method is a step-by-step process designed to help you deal with past and present issues regarding the stress of loss. This helps you move beyond the feeling of being frozen or stuck in grief.
Most people have very little information on how to handle grief. Most of what we learned as children was gathered from watching how the adults around us dealt with their pain of emotional loss. Since they, likewise, most likely had no guidance concerning how to deal with their grief.
In many cases, they tried to cope by burying that pain in their heart and never talking about it. That did not make the pain go away, rather it just took away from them the ability to feel joy.
Generally, when it comes to grieving, we are simply told that we must “be strong”, that “time will heal it”, that “someone else will come along”, or that we should simply “let it go”. Those well intended but unhelpful comments deny us the opportunity to process our grief and transform it in a way that provides closure and peace of mind.
Usually, we end up shutting our grief down, hiding it. This is because we feel we would burden others if we keep talking about it, or because we can’t find any real help when we open up about it.
The good news is that grief can be worked on. It can be transformed when we talk about it with someone who will listen with care and non-judgmental openness towards everything we want to express.