Reiki is an energy treatment that involves transmitting energy to a person in a natural way.
REI KI means Universal Energy in Japanese. This Universal Energy is what some people call Life Force or Breath of Life (Prana). It is part of many Oriental healing systems, such as Acupuncture, Yoga, and Tai Chi.
Sometimes, due to stressful situations, trauma or illness, our energy gets depleted. Reiki treatments are a gentle and effective way to re-energize yourself and help refuel the Universal Energy inside of you.
During a Reiki session you lay on a massage table fully clothed and without shoes. The Reiki practitioner gently lays her hands and/or hovers them over specific areas of the body, nervous system, and chakra points in order to transmit energy and help you relax. This enables the body-mind system to move into a state of balance and harmony.
Reiki is used all over the world, and in the last decade it has been studied scientifically because of the wonderful benefits that recipients of Reiki have reported.